Wandering Europe!
Here we go now

In May 2011 I set off on a 7 month journey. With nothing but a backpack on my back, my best friend by my side and a return ticket to EUROPE... Needless to say it was by far the most amazing 7 months of my absolute life!!! Somehow I was motivated enough (and stupid enough) to keep a travel blog going through the whole adventure, and so now, with technology being as fabulous as it is, our story is now roughly preserved on this silly blog.

Sunday, September 4, 2011
@ 3:56 PM

Our Days Spent Frolicking in Dublin and Cork...

Why the giant blog depression? Reason One: Lately, we have been extremely stationary in contrary to our usual nomadic ways. Reason Two: I've been pretty sick for the last 2 weeks, with a glandy/flu-ish/feverish/coldy throaty thing.. My body has completely carked it, so apologies to Sarah and Chris for being shocking company.  Reason Three: I'm just pre-occupied every second of the day. 
SO, we caught a four hour bus down to the south to the quaint little city of Cork. Here we stayed one night at a hostel and three nights with a French guy, who lived with other Frenchies and had another Frenchy couchsurfer. It was extremely... French. I actually caught myself a few times thinking I was still in France- I do miss that place.After our days in Cork we crawled back up to Dublin, where we are staying with the worlds sweetest couchsurfer, Zoe, and her two young daughters. Here we are spending our days eating cupcakes. Last night Zoe took us down to the beach where we all ended up playing 'Hide and Seek' in the long wheat grass and sand dunes as the sun set.  felt so young and alive again, it was lovely.